We Wish to Borrow Money From You

Zi Yi took a day off at home and went to the racing club the next day.

Unexpectedly, Zhou Shijin was not around.

Zi Yi was a little surprised and asked Robot B.

Robot B said, "Master, Zhou Shijin took a leave."

"Took a leave?" Zi Yi thought about it for a moment and knew what had happened.

Zhou Shiyu had committed such a great mistake this time around and he was most likely in a difficult situation. Even though these two brothers appear to be like enemies on the surface, they cared for each other.

Right now, Zhou Shijin was certainly staying beside Zhou Shiyu.

Zi Yi thought about it for a moment and checked the Zhou Family's current situation, only to find out that it was particularly bustling on their side.

Zi Yi was not a nosy person and her impression of the Zhou Family brothers wasn't particularly very good.