Reporting to M.Uni, Meeting High School Classmates

In the end, Zi Yi did not get Lu Jingye and Mrs. Lu to send her.

After all, she was too famous and she did not wish to be constantly under attention.

In order to keep a low profile, Zi Yi specially wore a pair of jeans and a plain colored short-sleeved T-shirt. It was a simple style, but the outfit made her look youthful and beautiful.

The entrance of M.Uni today was bustling with activity.

There were freshmen and parents from all over the country as well as various school reception locations everywhere.

Zi Yi was only famous among the management level, professors, and teachers of the M.Uni. Therefore, it was impossible for the students to know her, not to mention those seniors who were responsible for welcoming the students.

When she arrived at the school gate, she had immediately become the focus of everyone's attention.

"Look, that girl is so beautiful!"