Who Said Student Zi Is Not a Student of M.Uni?

Hua Xiaoli was stunned by Zi Yi's imposing aura. She was even more frustrated after she reacted and wanted to push Zi Yi.


Everyone watched helplessly as Hua Xiaoli fell on the ground instead. They were all dumbfounded.

What happened?

How did Hua Xiaoli fall down?

That fall must have hurt, right?

Hua Xiaoli laid on the ground and saw stars spinning around. She only managed to react after a while and shouted out loud, "Zi Yi you dare to push me?!"

Regardless of the pain, she clambered up with the intention to scratch Zi Yi.

Zi Yi felt that her push earlier was too light and was about to give her another blow. Just then, a hand stretched out from the side and directly caught Hua Xiaoli's wrist.

"Student, it's wrong to hit people."

The one who stood out was a male student.