Letting Imaginations Run Wild

"What did you say?!"

"Hua Xiaoli, did you see wrongly?"

Li Peirong and Zi Xuan acted as if they had heard the greatest joke of their lives and did not believe her at all.

Hua Xiaoli found their reaction weird. "Didn't you come together with Zi Yi to report to school?"

She could confirm that she saw Zi Yi earlier. Moreover, the Director of the School of the Chinese Language had personally brought her away. She then hastily explained the earlier situation to them.

"Impossible." Zi Xuan said in a definite tone, "It's impossible that the person you mentioned is her.

Li Peirong was even more distrustful. "Student Hua, you must have seen it wrongly. My eldest daughter had undergone the withdrawal process in the latter half of her third year in high school. How could she possibly enroll in M.Uni?"