Questioned By Reporters

The International Painting and Calligraphy Competition was a huge event.

There were no reporters or fans at the museum yesterday, when the participants arrived to register, and that was because secrecy measures had been put in place.

Today, when Zi Yi and Dou Xiangling's car drove into the street to enter the museum, they discovered that the area had been blocked off. Due to the guards blocking the way, there were many who were standing on the streets.

Outside the art museum was a large group of local and international reporters, all of whom had interviewed the contestants who entered the competition venue.

Dou Xiangling looked at those reporters and gave Zi Yi a pre-emptive warning. "Yiyi, the reports here today are mostly gossip reporters. They will most likely try their best to dig out your private information to publicize it. Just follow behind me later, I'll do the talking."