All the Best, Don’t Lose too Badly When the Time Comes

Zi Yi just happened to turn her head and she saw Meng He standing at one of the easels while he organized his painting tools.

Coincidentally, Meng He had turned to look in their direction.

They made eye contact and Zi Yi suddenly gave him a smirk.

Meng He somehow felt that Zi Yi's smirk was ridiculing him and his expression instantly sank. He put down his painting tools and walked in their direction.

"Dou Xiangling."

Dou Xiangling originally had her back facing him. She turned around and looked at him upon hearing him call out to her.

Meng He looked at her, who was wearing a cheongsam, and his eyes shrank ever so slightly. He then lowered his eyes before looking into hers and said, "All the best for the competition. Don't lose too badly when the time comes."

He turned around and returned to his position after having said that.

Dou Xiangling was not angered by his words. Instead, she calmly located the position of her easel.