The Aggressive Lu Jingye

The corner of her lips curled up and Zi Yi walked over to wear the shoes.

Ian looked towards her and asked, "Miss Zi, I believe you were the one who rescued your cousin?"

Zi Yi looked at him but did not answer.

Ian stared into her eyes and analyzed. "I saw a man leaving my house while carrying Miss Dou… That man's skills are very different. Even the defense system around the perimeters of the walls is unable to stop him.

I'm pretty sure that he is not someone sent by Lu as he had just happened to give me a call at that moment. Clearly, he was still in the car and had yet to reach here."

Zi Yi returned Ian's stare and asked instead of answering, "So what does Mr. Ian wish to say?"

A few seconds later, Ian shrugged his shoulders. "Nothing. I just feel that Miss Zi is very interesting."

In fact, Ian could guess Ian's thoughts. This person thought that she had another objective.