Heading to the Winery to Drink

After they were some distance away from the study room, Ian glanced at Zi Yi and said to Lu Jingye with mixed emotions, "Lu, to think you would do such an irrational thing for a woman one day."

"I'm being very rational."

Lu Jingye said in a calm tone, "I only did something a man would do when their love is getting bullied."

Ian could only think deep down that there were many men in this world who are unable to be as defensive as Lu Jingye is.

He suddenly did not know what else to say.

Lu Jingye did not care if he had remained silent or not. The evening breeze just happened to blow past just then. Country X was close to the sea and the evening breeze was relatively strong and there were also traces of chilliness in the air. Lu Jingye asked Zi Yi, "Yiyi, are you cold?"