Since You’re Not Drunk Yet, Let’s Continue to Drink

Zi Yi looked at him with a ridiculous expression. "Why would I be jealous? I understand my Ah Jing's personality the best."

She even playfully winked at Lu Jingye.

Ian: "…"

He silently lifted the glass and drank the red wine. He felt stifled, as he felt that all he had spoken about earlier was in vain.

After drinking, he seemed to have thought of something and asked, "Miss Zi, who made that robot of yours that is capable of invisibility?"



Ian was surprised. "To think you're able to make such a cutting-edge robot!"

He then looked towards Lu Jingye. "I thought it was Lu's Company who made it."

Lu Jingye lifted his eyelids and said in a tone that seemed to be showing off, "Yiyi is very awesome."

Zi Yi's eyes turned into crescent moons.

Lu Jingye lifted his hand and stroked her head.

Ian: "…"