
Lu Jingye looked at him for some time before he suddenly said, "A killer infiltrated into your winery."

"Who dares to come!"

Ian suddenly jumped up from the sofa. His body swayed around due to the sudden movements and after he managed to steady himself, he headed towards the staircase in large strides. Along the way, he said, "Do they honestly think my place is somewhere they can come and leave as they like? I'll let them know what it means by having no chance of returning!"

Lu Jingye followed Ian who was walking upstairs in large strides. The both of them soon arrived in Ian's bedroom.

The moment he entered his bedroom, Ian started looking for his weapon.

Lu Jingye stood in the bedroom and scanned around the room before his gaze landed on the wardrobe. "Do you have anything that cannot be seen in your wardrobe?"