Too Arrogant

When Zhang Hongliang brought Zi Yi to the control room, the group of technicians with a solemn expression on their faces was tapping on the keyboard.

Zhang Hongliang clapped his hand and said, "Everyone, stop."

All of them stopped their hands and looked towards him and Zi Yi.

Zhang Hongliang did not immediately tell them what to do. Instead, he turned to Zi Yi and asked, "Miss Zi, how do you intend to do this?"

"When I upgrade the system, I need you to adjust the various equipment inside the case. You can bring them all out to carry out the work."


Zhang Hongliang opened his mouth, but ended up nodding. "Okay."

He then angrily shouted at the group of technicians. "What are you still blanking out for, Everyone, follow me."

After a moment of silence, one of the bespectacled men finally recovered his senses. "No… Boss… If we leave, who would mend the loopholes caused by hackers?"
