It’s Cold in the Base, Wear Your Clothes Properly

Ji Dekun was worried that they might be overly sensitive and specially explained. "Old Lu's personality is just like that. Elder Hu, Miss Zi, please don't take it to heart.

Elder Lu and Zi Yi naturally would not mind it.

When Lu Yi arrived, everyone sat down and ate.

After the meal, Zi Yi and Elder Hu made their way back to the lab again.

At night time, Zi Yi hacked into the satellite communication system and used a foreign account to send a video call to Lu Jingye.

Lu Jingye had unexpectedly guessed that it was her and immediately answered the call.

It was already 12 a.m at that time and Zi Yi looked at Lu Jingye wearing home clothes and sitting upright. She smiled and asked, "Ah Jing, are you going to sleep yet?"


Lu Jingye turned the camera lens around.

He was in his study room.