I’ll Change Your Pants For You

As soon as Zi Yi made her way into the living room, the Dou Family members who were waiting for her anxiously stood up.

"How's Little Lu doing?"

"Don't worry. It's only a minor injury and he will heal in a few days."

The way Zi Yi said this sounded very casual and the Dou Family members, who were originally worried, had all breathed a sigh of relief.

"It's good that he's alright."

"I didn't expect Little Lu would do things to this extent." Dou Jingtong said, "He's my student and in my impression of him, he has never done something so impulsive."

Lu Jingye would plan out everything before he did anything and he always took his time.

Dou Jingtong could not help but sigh a little. At the same time, the thought that Lu Jingye did all this for his niece, he felt relieved.

Zi Yi lightly smiled and said, "Ah Jing is my man from now on."