Yiyi, Did You Sleep Well Last Night?

The next morning. As soon as Zi Yi opened her eyes, her vision met with Lu Jingye's deep-set eyes, where a flame was flickering within.

Zi Yi blinked her eyes and felt a little confused with the current situation.

Lu Jingye had suffered an entire night of stimulation and he whispered in her ears with his hot breath, "Yiyi, did you sleep well last night?"

Zi Yi could not handle his hot breath and she subconsciously shrunk her neck before she nodded. "Yea, I had a good night's sleep."

"But I didn't sleep well."

Zi Yi noticed that when he said that, his eyes were staring straight into hers.

She subconsciously looked downwards, only to find that not only had she kicked the quilt away, she was also tightly hugging his arm. Most importantly… the top two buttons of her pajamas had somehow loosened and she just so happened to reveal some things that should not be exposed.