It’s Been Months Since We’ve Met. You Haven’t Found a Good Family to Marry Into?

The one shouting was Zi Hao's wife, Li Mei.

Standing beside Li Mei was her Second Aunt, Zhang Guizhi.

Behind them were her cousins.

Li Mei's eyes seemed to be able to shoot out poison. She glared at Zi Yi and her voice was sour and bitter. "Third Brother did not give you his assets before and now that you're married, you're an outsider. What rights do you have to inherit his assets?!"

Zi Yi stared at her with an indifferent gaze, before she shifted her gaze to the few other individuals who obviously thought the same as her. "Unfortunately, what you say doesn't count. Since the law has deemed these assets to be mine, they are mine."

"The law?!" Li Mei's voice suddenly reached an ear-piercing decibel. "Who knows if you did anything behind the scenes?! Zi Yi, let me tell you, you must move out today. A married daughter is like water that's been spilled and this house doesn't belong to you anymore."