Taking Care of Zi Xu’s Other Two Sibling’s Family

Zi Yi laughed as she looked at Li Mei who could only glare at her but was unable to move. She then reminded her out of kindness. "Eldest Aunt, you better not move at all. This isn't a drama and I have indeed sealed your acupuncture point. If you were to move in the slightest or try to speak, perhaps the needle will shift and you'll really be meeting your maker."

"Zi Yi, you…" Zi Lian was so furious, to the extent that she wanted to fight it out with Zi Yi.

Lu Jingye who was standing next to her gave her a cold look. "Shut your mouth!"

Zi Lian instantly turned pale from fright and shrunk her neck.

Only then did Zi Yi continue to speak. "Right now, I can finally finish my sentence. Whoever dares to roll on the ground and scream will end up in the same plight as Eldest Aunt.

Zi Xuan is Eldest Uncle and Li Peirong's daughter. I've already submitted the evidence to the court and I believe you'll soon receive news of it."