Little Zi, Is It Alright For Jingye To Be Drinking So Much?

Patriarch Lu's expression turned stern. "Speak."

The First Madam dared not play any more tricks and hastily said, "I heard that Jingye has gone to that woman's bar and is currently competing in drinking with those young people from the high-society. The reason for it is because those people caused some trouble at that woman's place and she was upset, so he went to help her vent her anger."

The First Madam finished the entire explanation in one breath and quietly observed her Father's expression.

There was no change in his expression and instead, he continued to wipe the gun in his hand.

The First Madam could not tell if Patriarch Lu was angry or not, and she continued to speak. "I also heard that Jingye has either been staying at that woman's place or going to the Dou Family's residence. He has not once personally gone to his mother's jewelry company."

What Patriarch Lu liked about Lu Jingye the most was his skills and abilities.