Who Dares To?

Lu Jianlin's temples were throbbing. He very much wanted to pull Mrs. Lu into his embrace to console her, but she was overwhelmed by anger right now and had lost all reasoning. She slapped his hands that reached out to her and left.

While walking away, she said, "I'll be going to stay with my son and daughter-in-law tonight. Come fetch me if you are not leaving. But if I don't see you at my son's wedding, don't show up before me ever again in the future."

Mrs. Lu walked out after she said her piece and soon, the sounds of her informing the housekeeper and a car driving away could be heard.

After the car left, the housekeeper came in with a worried expression and looked at Lu Jianlin who remained motionless as if he was in a daze. He tried calling out to him. "Second Master, the madam has left."