Zi Yi’s Robots Can Do Experiments

The three of them returned to Zi Yi's villa together.

When the car pulled into the courtyard, they saw Mrs. Lu's housekeeper and Housekeeper Zhang welcoming them together.

"Madam, Second Young Master, Second Young Madam."

When the three of them alighted from the car, the two housekeepers called out to them.

Mrs. Lu looked at her housekeeper and her expression sank.

In particular, the housekeeper even came up and informed her. "Madam, the Second Master had me bring some of the clothes you usually wear over. He said that it's good for you to stay here for the time being. He will come and fetch you home when he returns."

Mrs. Lu snorted at his words. "Does he think I will go back if he comes and fetches me? Tell him that I'm not going to be with him anymore!"

The housekeeper knew that she was in a fit of anger right now and he directed a pleading gaze towards Lu Jingye and Zi Yi.

Lu Jingye asked, "Mother, what happened?"