Zi Yi Said, Mom Is An Experienced Person

Early the next morning, as soon as Zi Yi woke up, she subconsciously put her legs on Lu Jingye.

The next second, her legs were grabbed and when Zi Yi felt the hard object pressed against her tummy, she opened her eyes.

She was met with Lu Jingye's deep-set eyes that contained a passionate flame.

Zi Yi raised her arm and coiled it around his neck. She purposely called his name in a sweet voice. "Ah Jing~"

Lu Jingye felt his heart quiver and he took a deep breath.

He knew that his seductress was about to be naughty again.

Sure enough, a hand reached under his shirt and slowly crept up.

He could not take it anymore and held her head with his hand and pulled her in his direction.

Their lips were glued together and it instantly ignited the flames inside his body.

After the kiss ended, Lu Jingye was about to release her and get up from the bed.

However, Zi Yi hugged him without letting go.