Everyone, Stop What You’re Doing, Zi Yi Is About to Unleash a Big Move.

After Patriarch Lu ended the call with General Tang, he received a call from other military regions urging for the delivery of the supplies.

Patriarch Lu has never dealt with such trivial matters in the past and for a moment, he did not know where to start.

In the end, he could only reply to them and say, "I'll send someone to bring you the supplies right away."

After he hung up the phone, he calmly thought for a moment and said to the housekeeper, "Go and call the eldest and the third."

The Eldest Master and the Third Master came back in a hurry.

Patriarch Lu asked with a stern expression, "Several region's military camps called to press for supplies today. Who shall take charge?"

As soon as they heard that, their expression slightly changed.

It had to be known that dispatching military supplies was not a simple task. If something goes wrong, the consequences would be very serious.