Forever Second Place

The three seniors were so enthusiastic to the extent that Zi Yi had no chance to work at all.

After she explained to them how they should mix the chemicals, there was nothing else for her to do.

While the three seniors were mixing the chemicals, they chatted with Zi Yi.

Ge Tao, who had a crew cut, asked, "Junior Zi, how did you come to know that by mixing these chemicals together you would be able to melt the snow and prevent the ground from accumulating more snow?"

"A mixture of these chemicals has the function of heat dissipation. In addition…"

Zi Yi gave them a brief explanation.

The three of them listened to her attentively while marveling at her knowledge at the same time.

Ou Li who had thick eyebrows, similar to those male leads from idol dramas, could not help but sigh after he heard her explanation. "Why didn't we ever think of mixing these chemicals together? Not to mention it would have such a reaction."