Why Don’t We Give You a Live Broadcast?

Dou Xiangling responded with a 'yes'.

Zi Yi was suddenly silent.

Dou Xiangling found her reaction strange and asked, "What's wrong?"

"It's nothing."

Zi Yi took out her phone and passed it to her. "You can try to see if my phone can make a call."

Dou Xiangling took her phone and soon she got through to Zhang Hanyu's phone.

However, the ringtone continued to ring until the end and there was no answer from the other end.

Dou Xiangling passed the phone back to Zi Yi. "Hanyu didn't answer. I think he doesn't have his phone with him."

Zi Yi did not take back her phone and said, "Since you can get a connection with my phone, you can hold onto it first. Perhaps Teacher Zhang might call you back later."

Dou Xiangling nodded her head and put the mobile phone into her pocket.

The three of them then headed outside the villa's entrance.