The Fall Was a Little Severe

To be honest, Dou Xiangling wanted to have some alone time to calm down her emotions. Instead of replying to him, she said, "Yiyi and the rest have gone skiing in the back mountain. You can find the boss of the villa to lead you over to them."

Ian was not in a rush. He glanced at the igloo-like space and asked out of concern, "Dou, isn't it too cold for you to be painting here?"

He then noticed that she did not wear a coat. (It was warm inside the igloo structure, so Dou Xiangling had removed her coat.) He thought for a moment and out of his gentlemanly habits, he took off his coat and passed it to her.

Dou Xiangling blanked out momentarily as she looked at the coat he had passed to her.

Ian said, "Why didn't you wear a coat? You will definitely catch a cold like this and I can't possibly see a lady catch a cold without helping."

Dou Xiangling subconsciously took a step back, which revealed the coat she had taken off laying inside.