It’s Not Worthwhile To Feel Upset Over Someone Like Him

Zi Yi and Dou Zerui frowned at the same time.

Zi Yi asked, "Why are my cousin's painting tools with you?"

Dou Zerui asked at the same time, "What did you do to my younger sister?"

Ian looked at the two of them questioning him as if they were interrogators. He then briefly described what had happened. Of course, he had artistically amended how he had taken a fall back then. "My foot slipped and I accidentally kicked Miss Dou's thermal generator and it broke. I think she should be very angry because of this"

Dou Zerui heard his explanation and thought to himself that his sister was not someone who would get angry at such things. Just as he was about to speak, Zi Yi hastily asked, "What did my cousin have in her hand when she came in?"

Ian thought about it and said. "She only took her coat… she didn't even wear it."