You Made My Towel Drop

Soon, someone had reported the situation at Lu Zhiheng's side to Lu Jingye.

He only responded with an 'ok' and said, "If you don't wish to remain in the Lu Group, you can leave."

The other party responded and hung up the call.

Lu Jingye and Zi Yi had already returned to their bedroom at this time.

Zi Yi finished showering and came out only with a towel wrapped around her as she wiped her hair.

She saw Lu Jingye seemingly staring in blank space as he looked at his phone. She then stopped and asked, "Ah Jing, what are you thinking about?"

Lu Jingye put away the phone and came over to take the towel from her hand.

Zi Yi headed to the sofa and sat down. Lu Jingye slightly bent down as he stood behind her to dry her hair. While drying her hair, he told her about the situation at Lu Zhiheng's side.