Zi Yi Getting Hit By Elder Dou

After alighting from the car, Zi Yi greeted everyone.

Her Third Aunt smiled and said, "Yiyi, you arrived just in time. We just finished preparing breakfast."

Her Eldest Aunt said, "Let's have breakfast first. Your Grandfather is waiting for you in the living room. We have things to get busy with after breakfast too."

Elder Dou's health had recovered to the extent that he was able to come out for meals.

Thus, the group had all headed to the living room together.

Dou Yue'er, who was walking next to the Fourth Madam asked, "Eldest Aunt, what are we doing today?"

The First Madam looked at Dou Yue'er and corrected her. "It's what we are doing, but that 'we' does not include you. I'll be happy as long as you do not cause trouble."

Her words made everyone laugh.

Dou Yue'er pouted discontentedly, but she had self-awareness. She then walked over to Zi Yi's side and held her arms. "Cousin, what are you doing today?"