It’s a Little Embarrassing

The neighborhood was pretty large and the majority of the residents here were higher-ups of M.Uni and their family members. There were also some higher-ups from other universities.

When Zi Yi and the Dou Family went to deliver wedding candies, each family would hold them back for a short while and congratulate her.

It took them three to four hours before they managed to give out everything and they had to finish up their lunch rather quickly.

After they finished giving out the wedding candies, they were exhausted.

Dou Yurui slumped on the chair and said, "At the thought that our family will be sending out wedding candies at least three times in the future, my legs have started to go soft."

Dou Yue'er sat beside her and leaned against her. She giggled and said, "If you don't get married, there's no need to give out wedding candies… Ouch! Mom, why did you hit me for?"