I’m Just Worried That If You Were To Collapse, Little Lu Would Be Worried

Director Chang said, "Of course, it is the responsibility of the person who planted the parasite to remove it. Parasites are all cultivated by the Gu Master. They alone would know the combination of poisonous insects used and when they cultivate the parasite, they would also make the antidote to the parasite."

Zi Yi's eyes brightened. "Really?"

"Yes, but…" Director Chang pondered for a few seconds and said, "All parasites can be treated, with the exception of a love parasite."

Zi Yi furrowed her brows. "Why?"

"A love parasite is directly planted into one's heart and during the first attack, the parasite would gnaw on their heart's blood, causing both their lives to be connected… If you wish to do something to one of the love parasites, the other person will immediately feel it."