How Can I Get These Materials?

Not long after the wedding banquet began, Lu Jianlin received a phone call from the main residence.

The phone call was from the housekeeper.

The housekeeper said, "Second Master, the Patriarch wants you to return at once."

Lu Jianlin's expression turned grim and he said in a tight voice, "Tell my Father that I am attending to the guests and I don't have the time to come over."

The housekeeper said, "Second Master, the Patriarch is extremely angry right now and you'd better tell him this yourself. Otherwise, if he gets angrier, even I won't be able to stop him."

Lu Jianlin responded with a hum and hung up the phone.

After hanging up the phone, he stood there and thought for a moment. In the end, he did not give Patriarch Lu a call. Instead, he put away his phone and went back to entertaining the guests.

The guests did not drink too much during the afternoon session.