Sure Enough, This Item Is Able To Deal With Those Robots Of Zi Yi’s

Rick's expression changed and he took out a bottle of liquid and looked at his surroundings warily. He then shouted, "Show yourself!"

Sometime later.

Nothing appeared before him.

Rick sneered. "You want to use invisible robots to deal with me? Hmph, that'll depend on if your robots have the ability to do so first!"

Having said that, he pressed one of the beads on his bracelet, and in the next second, his surroundings seemed to have been shrouded in an invisible barrier.

Sometime later, the light on the bead dimmed.

Rick laughed wildly.

He then caressed the beads on his wrist. "Sure enough, this item is able to deal with those robots of Zi Yi's."

Zi Yi and the rest waited for Dan Wei to arrive and around an hour or so had passed by then.

Dan Wei alighted from the car and checked out the people who were standing outside the villa. "What happened here? Who dared to frame Mr. Lu?"