You Might Not Be Able To Successfully Plot Against Him

"How is that possible?!"

The courier widened his eyes and his voice raised several octaves higher. "I clearly saw you bringing the box with Miss Ma Fei inside the gates!"

"Eh?" Zi Yi asked curiously. "Since it's a box that contains a person, it should be sealed. How did you know that there's a person inside or that was who it is?"

"I…" The courier wanted to refute.

Zi Yi snorted. "You're saying that we brought in a box and even let you see that there's a person inside? Are you trying to say that we had blatantly defied the laws of Country Em or are you unable to think of a way to frame us and so, made up this lie?"

"I…" The courier was eager to explain.

Lu Jingye looked at the courier sharply and the courier dared not speak up anymore.

Lu Jingye looked at the officer and asked, "Can you bear the consequences of going in and searching my house?"

The officer's body stiffened.

He could not bear the consequences.