I Feel That With Your Status, You Wouldn’t Do Something Like That

Now that Zi Yi had made such a joke, Dou Xiangling suddenly felt that she was thinking of things in a complicated manner. She took back her phone and answered the call.

Dou Xiangling: "Hello, Ian."

Ian's voice sounded very gentlemanly. "Dou, I'll be arriving in the capital very soon. I'm inviting you and Zi to the bar tonight, are you free?"

Dou Xiangling lowered her eyes and said, "Yes."

Ian's voice sounded lighter than before. "Where are the two of you? I'll go book a restaurant first. We'll head to the bar after dinner, okay?"

After he asked that, he said, "You and Zi can invite more people over. It's livelier that way."

Dou Xiangling subconsciously looked at Zi Yi.

Zi Yi had also heard him and so, she whispered to Dou Xiangling, "Why don't we call our cousins over?"

Dou Xiangling found it weird and shook her head before she said to Ian, "It'll just be the both of us."