Robot A Who Little Loli Likes Is Back

Zi Yi did not know what plans and ideas those second-generation rich young masters and young ladies had. Even if she knew, she did not care.

She did not need those people to patronize her bar at all.

When their car parked outside of the [Futuristic Bar], Little Loli and A were already standing outside and waiting for them.

Looking at Little Loli who was jumping around A, Dou Xiangling was a little surprised. "Little Loli seems to be quite happy today, to think that she can express the happy emotions so well."

Zi Yi found it hard to explain in a few words and ended up saying, "Little Loli likes A."

"Ah?" Dou Xiangling looked at A who was walking beside Little Loli. In fact, she still had some recollection of him. The first batch of robots Zi Yi made had some obvious characteristics and the male robots were basically similar looking. Therefore, she had not recognized him at first glance.