Someone Is Selling High-priced Tickets for Zi Yi’s Bar Online

As soon as Dou Xiangling asked that question, they saw Zi Yi coming inside.

Ian said while Zi Yi was making her way over, "I informed Lu in advance before I came, so I'm now staying at his villa near M.Uni."

Zi Yi came over and sat down and Dou Xiangling passed her a cup of milk.

Zi Yi refused to take it. "Why is it milk?"

Dou Xiangling said with a smile, "Brother-in-law specially called to inform us to only allow you to drink milk."

Only then did Zi Yi reluctantly take the cup of milk.

Ian said, "I heard from Xiangling earlier that you're pregnant now. It's indeed better to drink more milk when you're pregnant."

Having said that, he asked, "Since you're pregnant, are you now unable to do many things?"

Zi Yi looked at him. "Why are you asking about this?"

"I'm worried you might not be able to travel to Country M next year. In that case, will the plans for your research lab be postponed?"