Second Aunt, When Did Second Sister-in-law Get Pregnant?

Eldest Master Lu did not have the chance to answer them, as the Director and the Deputy Director came out of the operating room.

They had personally pushed Patriarch Lu into the operating room and the moment they came out, they saw Zi Yi who was standing in a corner.

The Deputy Director's eyes brightened up as he called out, "Little Zi, you're here!"

Zi Yi had a widespread reputation throughout all the hospitals in the capital. Moreover, Elder Hu also mentioned that the treatment plan he provided for Patriarch Lu was taught by Zi Yi.

"Quick, come over. Right now, you are the only one that can save Patriarch Lu."

Zi Yi did not say anything, but she took a step closer toward Lu Jingye and stood behind him.

Just then, everyone was looking at her with hope in their eyes.

Zi Yi maintained a taut expression and did not speak. From the looks of it, she was not willing to help.