Patriarch Lu Could Not Take the Setback and Was Sent to the Emergency Room

Lu Jianlin looked at Eldest Master Lu who had obviously aged overnight and hastily asked, "What happened?"

Eldest Master Lu told him what happened last night and in the end, he said with a slight complaint in his voice, "I called Jingye at that time, but he did not answer. If only…"

Speaking of this, he could not continue and his eyes turned red.

He knew that he was not in any position to complain right now.

Lu Jianlin was originally a little upset that he had pushed the blame onto his son, but upon seeing Eldest Master Lu's appearance, he could not bear to say anything.

However, he still explained. "Jingye and the rest went out to play until late at night. They should have already fallen asleep by the time you called."

In reality, as to what his eldest son had done last night, Lu Jianlin was well aware of it.

However, he would not say those things out loud.