How Dare You Launch a Personal Attack?!

Zi Yi followed Lu Jingye to Song Jewelry.

Mrs. Lu was also at the studio today and Zi Yi directly went looking for her.

As they were planning to release new designs soon on a global scale, everyone in the studio was very busy during this period of time. When Zi Yi made her way inside, everyone either had their heads buried in their work, were walking around at a fast pace to grab things, or were in small groups of people gathered around to have a discussion. Not a single one of them noticed her.

She did not find that to be a problem, as she was headed toward where Mrs. Lu was at.

"Here, here, and here won't make the cut. We have to go with the elegant style for Europe's side. This type of design is still too simple. Go and change it right away."

"But it's too late."

"Even if it's too late, it still must be changed."

Mrs. Lu was obviously very busy. Zi Yi stood there and looked at her for some time before calling out to her, "Mom."