Something Happened

Zi Yi waited until Mrs. Lu finished eating before Lu Jingye then sent her back to the villa near M.Uni.

Before Lu Jingye left, he said to her, "Remember to have your dinner."

"Got it." Zi Yi pushed Lu Jingye and said, "Aren't you busy right now? Quick go and do your work. Come back early tonight, I'll be waiting for you."

Lu Jingye looked at his wife who was chasing him away and the corner of his lips curved up. While walking, he asked, "What do you feel like eating? I'll bring it home for you later?"

"I want to drink milk tea."

"You can get the housekeeper to prepare it for you."

"I just want to drink the milk tea sold near M.Uni."

"That won't do."

Zi Yi pouted and said, "Then why did you ask me that in the first place?"

Lu Jingye was amused by her and he stopped to talk to her. "Anything that isn't detrimental to your health, I will buy them for you."

"Milk tea isn't unhealthy. You're just being a worrywart."