It’s Too Warm Here, I Wish To Get Some Air Outside

The king of Country D was already 66 this year.

However, the majestic imposing aura that he radiated did not weaken due to the increase of age. On the contrary, it felt even more domineering as he had aged. People would unconsciously feel in awe of him even though he was merely seated there without doing anything.

The King's gaze was on Zi Yi and Lu Jingye when he spoke. "Guests from China, welcome to the Palace."

Lu Jingye said, "Thank you for the invitation. My wife and I are honored."

As a young master from China, Lu Jingye was still able to maintain his elegance and politeness. Even when he was conversing with the king, he could keep his composure and answer fluently.

His behavior caused the princes and nobles of Country D to look at him in a different light.

After exchanging some pleasantries, the king tilted his head and said to Runge, "The two guests are more familiar with you. Do take good care of them tonight."