Runge Said, I Will Compensate You With a Tree

Annette was silent for two seconds before she said, "Ok."

Having said that, she took the lead and led Zi Yi. "Mrs. Lu, follow me."

Both of them headed outside.

The noble ladies looked at Zi Yi who walked out and they finally could not resist and started bad-mouthing her.

"Why do I feel that she isn't as skilled as how the outside rumors describe her to be? How could there be someone so arrogant who would say that they will create the equipment if there isn't any? Does she think she's God who can create anything and everything?"

"That's right. I don't know why there are so many people praising such an individual. She indeed does have some skills, but these can only prove that she's a genius. There are many other talents in our country and we don't lack her."

There were several gardens in the palace. Annette brought Zi Yi to the garden located nearest to the banquet hall.