My Wife Is Used to Her Bed and She Can’t Have a Good Rest Outside.

After he said his piece, he turned to leave as Zi Yi looked at him incredulously.

Not long after Runge left, Annette came over in large strides.

As soon as she came over, she said to Zi Yi apologetically, "Mrs. Lu, I'm sorry for leaving you here alone."

"It doesn't matter." Zi Yi pointed to the cherries on the table and said, "The maid sent us some cherries earlier. Let's have them together."

In fact, Annette had seen the cherries from afar and she was already surprised. When Zi Yi invited her to eat together, Annette asked her, "Why did the maids only send one type of fruit?"

"Runge told them to."

Annette was shocked. "My Third Royal Uncle was here earlier?"


Annette had a complicated expression on her face and she seemed to be somewhat vexed. "If I had known earlier, I wouldn't have left."

She had never hung out with her Third Royal Uncle privately.