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The Countess obviously was not willing to wear that dress. She decided to complain to the Count.

However, it was nearing the start of the dinner banquet. When the Count heard from Ian that the King would be attending, he started waiting at the entrance of the mansion to greet the King.

The Countess asked her maid to look for the Count at the entrance.

"Dear Count, the Countess said that she's looking for you about something very important."

The Count scolded the maid grumpily and said, "Tell her to bear with it no matter how important it is!"

Seeing that the King would be arriving soon, that woman must be trying to cause trouble for him instead!

The maid was scared witless by the Count's livid expression and she dared not utter another word. She could only make her way back.

When the Countess learned that the Count did not listen to her problem at all, her face turned frightful from anger.