Little Loli Cleaning Up Trouble Makers

The two maids were about to speak but there was the sound of footsteps walking down the stairs.

They hastily kept their mouths shut, while bowing their heads, and they pretended to be respectfully waiting there quietly.

Dou Xiangling saw the maids the moment she came down together with Little Loli.

Dou Xiangling asked, "What's the matter?"

A middle-aged maid stepped forward with a box in her hands and said, "Miss Dou, this is a gift from the Madam. She mentioned that the guests attending the banquet tonight are all dignitaries and it would embarrass Young Master Ian if you do not have a set of presentable jewelry."

It was an obvious attempt to mock Dou Xiangling by subtly saying that she does not even possess any presentable jewelry.