As Expected, Zi Yi Is Too Amazing

"Prince Justin expressed his support for us." Lu Jingye revealed what Dou Zerui guessed. "But Prince Edward is planning to hand me over."

"As expected."

Dou Zerui asked, "Little Lu, what are your following plans? Even if Prince Justin is on your side, it doesn't seem to make much of a difference, right?"

"We wait."


Dou Zerui gave him a puzzled look.

However, Lu Jingye did not say anything else. Instead, he turned to look at Zi Yi and asked, "When will the equipment from China arrive?"

"If nothing goes wrong, it should arrive at twelve o'clock tonight."

Lu Jingye nodded his head. "The equipment from other places and the materials you need will also arrive at midnight."

"That's good."

Dou Zerui and Dou Xiangling, who were standing by the side and unable to get a word in, made eye contact with one another. Dou Zerui asked, "Little Lu, Yiyi, what can we do to help?"