How Do You Know If Country M Won’t Betray Us?

As soon as the court order was issued from various countries, the winery was surrounded and protected by the guards sent by the Chinese Embassy in Country M.

In addition, there was the space magnetic field that Zi Yi had installed. Even if those people wanted to force their way in and capture them, they would not be able to do so.

In a mere span of a few hours, Lu Jingye and Zi Yi had received more than fifty phone calls.

Currently, Zi Yi was discussing the virus with a group of renowned doctors in China.

Zi Yi said with certainty, "Even though my equipment has yet to arrive, I am very sure that this virus also includes sources from the universe that are from species other than those found on Earth.

Her words caused the expressions of the group of doctors to look stern.

Elder Tang said, "If that's really the case, is it very difficult to cure this virus?"