Lu Yunxiao’s Wedding and the Twins’ Month-Old Banquet

The people arrived at the embassy to pick up the bride at nine in the morning.

At the same time, the Lu family started receiving guests.

When the guests drove in from the street, it felt as though they had transmigrated somewhere. After going into an invisible barrier, the space became festive and elaborately decorated. The cutting-edge technology used inside was simply fascinating.

"What was that barrier we drove through at the entrance? Did Zi Yi make some kind of magnetic field?"

"How can that be? How could she do that in the street?"

Lots of people felt curious and raised questions when they drove through the area. Eventually, when some uninvited people tried to get in, it became clear that it served to verify people's ID.

Only people with the invitation could enter with their family members.

If people with invitations tried to enter with uninvited people, they would be barred from entry.