What’s He Trying To Do to Cousin Yurui?

Anya was from Country E, so they wanted a western-style wedding.

After the wedding procession was over, Zi Yi and Lu Jingye also went up onto the stage.

Everyone felt excited.

"We can finally see Lu and Zi's twins."

"I hear they're adorable."

"Why hasn't anyone brought the babies out yet?"

"Hi, everyone."

The moment Lu Jingye spoke, everyone below stage quietened down. He said a few perfunctory words before he continued speaking, "Since too many guests are present and the kids are little, we won't be bringing them out."

A wave of disappointment came from the crowd.

Lu Jingye continued speaking, "However, you can still have a look at them."

He nodded to Zi Yi once he was done talking.

Zi Yi tapped on her wristwatch and a holographic projection of the twins appeared in front of the guests.