Side Story 2

Runge did not expect that there would come a day when two kids could make him feel powerless.

Especially since the kids belonged to that woman.

Guoguo resembled Zi Yi a lot. When he saw the fear in her eyes, Runge was at a loss.


The moment he opened his mouth, Guoguo went a little closer to Tangtang.

Tangtang also put down the tablet. He looked at Runge with a maturity far beyond his years.

Runge and Tangtang looked at each other for a few seconds before they both veered their eyes away. Runge stopped suppressing his voice and spoke in a normal tone. "Since you are on the spaceship, you have to stay on board. Once the craft has been activated, it won't dock until it reaches its destination. Otherwise, it will waste fuel. Not every planet has the energy sources we need.

"You can play on board the spaceship, but you can't go anywhere dangerous, especially the control room. Don't touch anything in there.