Side Story 3

After the last incident, Zi Yi would call and check on them from time to time, it was as if she feared that Runge would do something to her son. Her actions made Runge feel upset, therefore he adopted an uncaring attitude toward Tangtang.

Ever since the last incident, Runge never appeared before the two children again.

However, due to his indifference, the other people around him started talking about the two children even more enthusiastically.

"Guoguo is too adorable. She's so young and yet, she is capable of reciting so many world-renowned books. She would even tell us stories!"

"Tangtang is the amazing one. At such a young age, his mental energy is stronger than ours. If not for the fact that we're afraid of allowing him to touch the mecha, I would totally let him try out our leader's mecha."

"You better not have such thoughts. If the leader were to learn of it, he would punish you for sure."